
All about the Title Tag

Posted by on 11:17 am in Articles | 0 comments

Rechecked for Accuracy Jan. 2012

What Is a Title Tag?

The title tag has been – and probably will always be – one of the most important factors in achieving high search engine rankings.

In fact, fixing just the title tags of your pages can often generate quick and appreciable differences to your rankings. And because the words in the title tag are what appear in the clickable link on the search engine results page (SERP), changing them may result in more clickthroughs.

Cool Tools for Search Marketers

Posted by on 12:27 pm in Articles | 0 comments

Written by: Janet Driscoll Miller

One of my favorite things I get out of conferences is learning about all of the great tools that are available. Christine Churchill of KeyRelevance presented the Cool Tools for Search Marketers session.

Christine started by sharing why she thinks tools are so important:

  • save money and time
  • provide insight outside of your own site
  • identify missed opportunities
  • does the “grunge work” for you
  • they make you more efficient and keep you sane!


Graphic Design Theory: 50 Resources and Articles

Posted by on 6:10 pm in Articles | 0 comments

As designers, we often focus on the practical aspects of design above all else. We focus on what works, with little regard for why it works. And in our day-to-day work, that outlook serves us well. It lets us get our work done in an efficient, professional manner, and generally nets good results.

But spending some time on the theory behind the graphic design principles we use every day can expand our design horizons. It can open up new avenues of creativity and experimentation that can lead our designs from just good, to fantastic. On that note, below are 50 excellent resources and articles that discuss graphic design theory, including layout, color theory, and typography. Feel free to share additional resources and articles in the comments.

10 Basic SEO Tips Every Web Developer Should Follow

Posted by on 3:13 pm in Articles | 1 comment

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important ingredients for getting large amounts of traffic to your website besides high-quality content. Because once your articles are a few weeks old, the majority of the traffic to those articles will come from search engines. That’s why it’s important to rank high in search engines.

In this article I’m going to show you 10 basic SEO tips that you should keep in mind when writing a new article or developing a new website to make sure your blog ranks high in the search engines.

SEO Basics

Posted by on 1:21 pm in Articles | 1 comment

Before you begin serious SEO you must ensure that your website is “search engine friendly”. This means making sure that each individual page is compliant with search engine standards and ready to be indexed correctly. Follow each of the steps below for each page on your site.

Have your list of target keywords ready – you’ll need to insert them into your pages.