In HTML5 Performance Race, iOS Beating Android

In HTML5 Performance Race, iOS Beating Android

HTML5 improvements are advancing with the OS updates — as much as 100 percent improvement over previous versions. Spaceport found that Android 4.0 was a “much more viable environment for HTML5 development” over previous versions. And the iPhone 3GS, by comparison, could only handle 53 images in 2009. via In HTML5 Performance Race, iOS Beating Android | Mobile Tech...

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What Android Is

Being an il­lus­trated run through the ba­sics. What hap­pened was, for our re­cent South Amer­i­can tour I wanted an An­droid ar­chi­tec­ture overview graphic. I ran across, among the An­droid SDK doc­u­men­ta­tion, a page en­ti­tled What is An­droid?, and it’s per­fectly OK. Ex­cept for, I re­ally dis­liked the pic­ture — on purely aes­thetic grounds, just not my kind of let­ter­ing and gra­di­ents and...

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