
The Dark Art Of Search Engine Optimization

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The title of this article is designed to illustrate the point of this article. Today we won’t be taking a look at black-hat search engine optimization tactics. Admittedly, I’ve toyed with them in a “know your enemy” kind of way but I’m no expert on advanced cloaking techniques nor effective link sp@mming tactics. What we’re going to cover here are the hidden (i.e. dark) areas of effective optimization strategy.


A Beginners Guide To Link Building

Posted by on 12:56 pm in Articles | 0 comments

Link building is an essential ingredient in ranking your website highly on the major search engines. There, now that we’ve got that brilliant grasp of the obvious out of the way let’s move on to what you can do to actually create them. Before we launch into the nitty-gritty of link building, no beginners guide would be complete without a brief explanation as to why links are important and the different elements of them. Being a beginners guide this won’t be an entirely complete list but it will be enough to get you going on the right path. Understanding what you’re trying to do will help you do it better and more importantly, understanding the “why” of the situation will help you stretch your tactics outside of this and other articles on link building.Why Are Links Important?

A Preview of HTML 5

Posted by on 3:25 pm in Articles | 0 comments


The web is constantly evolving. New and innovative websites are being created
every day, pushing the boundaries of HTML in every direction. HTML 4 has
been around for nearly a decade now, and publishers seeking new techniques to
provide enhanced functionality are being held back by the constraints of
the language and browsers.

Web Design Guidelines

Posted by on 6:03 pm in Articles | 0 comments

The goal of most web designers is to create an attractive, easily accessible and functional website that will convince the visitor to do something. Creating such a website requires good graphic design, easy and intuitive site navigation, logical site layout and good web copy. The following suggestions are general web design guidelines.

Design It Yourself Or Hire A Pro?

Posted by on 2:27 pm in Articles | 0 comments

Whether you should design that website yourself or hire a professional web designer depends on several very important factors. One of the most important things to consider is the level of expertise that you or your employees have in the necessary web technology needed to create an attractive, professional looking website that functions the way you want it to be. The decision whether or not to do it yourself comes down to your skill levels, the features you want or need, the image you want to project for your web site and the amount of time you have to devote to building the website.


eCommerce Website Design

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eCommerce websites have their own unique character that is designed to lead the visitor to one simple task – make an online purchase. A web designer needs to consider a variety of online selling principles while designing an eCommerce website. In this article we will try to take a look at some of the major design aspects that you must have in an eCommerce website.

Many of you are probably already asking why eCommerce website design is different from any other website design. They all need to be attractive, well organized and use the right colors that fits the website spirit and so on. Your instincts are good. However a close look at some successful eCommerce websites will reveal the conceptual differences that are typical in a successful eCommerce website.

Annoying Website Design

Posted by on 2:15 pm in Articles | 0 comments

Have you ever considered that your website may be annoying? When it’s comes to website design, knowing what visitors hate most is a must, unless you don’t want them to visit you again. This article describes what you should exclude from your website. If you know about an annoying website, feel free to send this article to its webmaster.

A few weeks ago I received an email from a colleague asking me to check one of the website he had developed. He is a web designer and his client wanted a nice attractive flash header. The flash header was great. You can’t miss it at all. Some nice graphics elements were flying in while sound effects created just the right atmosphere. However, after starting to explore the website, the header became very annoying because every time you clicked on the website the header restarted. What was pleasant initially became very annoying very quickly, disturbing your concentration and making it difficult to read what was on the page.

How to Create a Meta Description Tag for SEO

Posted by on 2:06 pm in Articles | 0 comments

The keywords and phrases you use in your Meta description tag may not affect your page’s ranking in the search engines, but this tag can still come in handy in your overall SEO and social media marketing campaigns.

What Is the Meta Description Tag?

It’s a snippet of HTML code that belongs inside the <Head> </Head> section of a web page. It is usually placed after the Title tag and before the Meta keywords tag (if you use one), although the order is not important.

What Android Is

Posted by on 2:07 pm in Articles | 0 comments

Being an il­lus­trated run through the ba­sics.

What hap­pened was, for our re­cent South Amer­i­can tour I wanted an An­droid ar­chi­tec­ture overview graphic. I ran across, among the An­droid SDK doc­u­men­ta­tion, a page en­ti­tled What is An­droid?, and it’s per­fectly OK. Ex­cept for, I re­ally dis­liked the pic­ture — on purely aes­thetic grounds, just not my kind of let­ter­ing and gra­di­ents and lay­outs — so I de­cided to make an­other one.

Revisited: The Art of SEO

Posted by on 9:41 am in Articles | 0 comments


As much as Google *pretends* to like SEOs by inviting us to parties at the Googleplex and posting on SEO forums, the bottom line is that they don’t like us — or rather, they don’t like what we do. Google wants to find the best, most relevant sites for the search query at hand all by themselves.

Perhaps someday they will actually be able to do that, but for now, they still need our help, whether they like it or not.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous SEOs have given Google good reasons not to like us. Because of search engine spammers, Google is constantly changing their ranking criteria and is always on the lookout for the telltale signs of SEO on any given site. It’s not a huge stretch to say that they may even downgrade the sites that they believe have been SEO’d.